Footwear accessories All time. Corbatero with 12 hangers for ties and 2 for belts Cairon in black model Corbatero.
Numbering available 23-23.
Shipping across the world from 6.5 €. (See shipping cost)
Footwear accessories All time. Corbatero with 12 hangers for ties and 2 for belts Cairon in black model Corbatero.
Numbering available 23-23.
Shipping across the world from 6.5 €. (See shipping cost)
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Detailed description in Spanish:
Accesorios calzado hombre para todo tiempo. Corbatero con 12 colgadores para corbatas y 2 para cinturones Cairon en negro modelo Corbatero. De , con , en 0 y con suela de .Regalo original y práctico para caballero.
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